Tag Archives: reading

School Readiness: How to build your child’s pre-literacy skills

School Readiness: How to build your child’s pre-literacy skills


You probably already know that reading to your 4-5 year old is one of the most important school readiness activities that you can enjoy with your child.

While no teacher expects your child to know how to read on their first day of Kindergarten or Prep, research tells us that kids who are ready to read have a better chance of acquiring literacy skills when they get to school.

In the coming months, you have a wonderful opportunity to start encouraging these early literacy skills.

In the video below, I share some fascinating Australian research results that will help you to understand how important your child’s pre-literacy experiences are.

And below that, you can download a copy of my free list of super books for school starters.

I hope they help your child to thrive at school next year.

Sonja Walker